História da Computação
Profa.  Iolanda B. C. Cortelazzo

Inventores, Filósofos, Físicos e Matemáticos da História da Computação

Howard A. Aiken
John Vincent Atanasoff
Charles Babbage
Clifford Berry
George Boole 
Charles -Xavier Thomas  de Colmar
Prosper Eckert 
Herman H. Goldstine
Herman Hollerith
José Maria Jacquard
Gottfried  Wilhelm Leibniz 
Condessa de  Lovelace
Amadeu Mannheim
John W. Muchly 
John von Neumann

William Schickard
George Stibitz
Alan Turing
Konrad Zuze

Galileu  Galilei (1564-1642), físico e astronomo italianao. Foi un dos fundadores do método esperimental. Foi professor de matemática em Pisa e Pádua. Como a  matemática na universidade no século XVI compreendia Física e Astronomia e em seus estudos de astronomia, necessitava  realizar complexos cálculos matemáticos, Galileu  combinou as ciências Matemática e Física. 

John Napier (1550-1617), barão de Merchiston, Escócia,  , interessava-se por teologia, finanças e matemática. Por achar que as operações matemáticas de  multiplicação, divisão, raizes quadrada e cúbica com números além de tediosas eram passsíveis de erros, dedicou-se a descobrir uma forma de simplificá-las e acabou inventando os logarítmos. 

William Oughtred (

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), matemático, físico, filósofo e escritor  francês. Responsável por diversas descobertas científicas, tais como as leis da pressão atmosférica e do equilíbrio dos líqüidos, o triangulo aritmético, o cálculo das probabilidades a prensa hidráulica e a teoria da ciclóide.  Aos 18 anos, inventou a máquina de calcular conhecida como Pascaline, para aliviar o trabalho que seu pai,  coletor de impostos,  tinha em realizar cálculos cansativos. 

Alan Turing , matemático  graduado pela  Universidade de Cambridgeem 1934. Escreveu muitos trabalhos sobre filosofia, psicologia, química, física e biologia. 
Escreveu um trabalho apresentado como a  "Máquina de Turing". Obteve o título de doutor em Princeton. Em setembro de 1934, ao eclodir a II Guerra Mundial, foi para a Escola de cifra e Código do Governo como criptoanalista em Bletchley Park. Teve uma importância muito grande ao decifrar os códigos alemães, projetou  a "Bomba" . 
Participou com Newmann, em Manchester,  da criação do MARK I da UNniversidade de Manchester, considerado pelos europeus como o primeiro computador (para um fim específico).
Em  1950,  publicou um importante trabalho "Computing Machinery and Intelligence",  que antecipa preocupações com a Inteligência Artificial.

John W. Mauchly,  nasceu em 1907 e faleceu em 1980. Trabalhou na Moore School of Electrical Engineering de 1941 a 1946
                             Mauchly (1907-1980), who worked
                             at the Moore School of Electrical
                             Engineering between 1941 and
                             1946. In focusing on Mauchly, we
                             do not claim that he was the
                             principal or sole inventor of this
                             machine. At the very least, this
                             credit would have to be shared with
                             J. Presper Eckert (1919-1995),
                             who at the time of the ENIAC's
                             inception in 1942 had barely
                             completed his Master's degree. If
                             Mauchly had initially conceived of
                             ENIAC's architecture, it was Eckert
                             who possessed the engineering
                             skills to bring the idea to life. We
                             chose in this exhibit to focus on the
                             career of John Mauchly, partly to
                             reveal the historical complexities
                             of the process of invention that can
                             only be seen through close attention
                             to a single individual. More
                             pragmatically, we chose John
                             Mauchly in order to introduce
                             scholars to the John Mauchly
                             Papers, held by the Department of
                             Special Collections, Van Pelt
                             Library, University of


J. Presper Eckert nasceu em 9 de abril de 1919 e faleceu em 1995.
Cursou a Universidade de Pensilvania, onde se formou  (1941) e defendeu seu mestrado ( 1943) em engenharia elétrica. Em 1964, recebeu seu título de doutor jonorário pela mesma universidade.
Foi engenheiro chefe  do projeto ENIAC em  The Moore School of the University of Pennsylvania de 1944 a 1946. 
Em 1946, tornou-se vice-presidente da   Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation. Em 1955,  foi indicado para a vice-presidência da  Remington Rand Division da Sperry Rand Corporation, para o período de  1955 a 1962. Continuou na mesma posição quando a empresa se tornou   UNIVAC  e mais tarde UNISYS.
 Referência: http://www.si.edu/resource/tours/comphist/eckert.htm
John Louis von Neumann nasceu em 28 de dezembro de 1903 em Budapest na Hungria e morrei em 8 de fevereiro de 1957 em Washington, nos Estados Unidos. 
mathematician, synthesizer, and promoter of the stored program concept,
whose logical design of the IAS became the prototype of most of its successors -
the von Neumann Architecture.
Referência: http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~history/VonNeumann.html

    Educ: University of Budapest, 1921; University of Berlin, 1921-23; Chemical Engineering,
    Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule [ETH] (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), 1923-25;
    Doctorate, Mathematics (with minors in experimental physics and chemistry), University of Budapest,
    1926; Prof. Exp: Privatdozent, University of Berlin, 1927-30; Visiting Professor, Princeton
    University, 1930-53; Professor of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University,
    1933-57; Honors and Awards: D.Sc. (Hon), Princeton University, 1947; Medal for Merit
    (Presidential Award), 1947; Distinguished Civilian Service Award, 1947; D.Sc. (Hon), University of
    Pennsylvania, 1950; D.Sc. (Hon), Harvard University, 1950; D.Sc. (Hon), University of Istanbul,
    1952; D.Sc. (Hon), Case Institute of Technology, 1952; D.Sc. (Hon), University of Maryland, 1952;
    D.Sc. (Hon), Institute of Polytechnics, Munich, 1953; Medal of Freedom (Presidential Award),
    1956; Albert Einstein Commemorative Award, 1956; Enrico Fermi Award, 1956; Member,
    American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Member, Academiz Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Lima,
    Peru; Member, Acamedia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, Italy; Member, National Academy of
    Sciences; Member, Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and Letters, Amsterdam, Netherlands;
    Member, Information Processing Hall of Fame, Infomart, Dallas TX, 1985.

Von Neumann was a child prodigy, born into a banking family is Budapest,
Hungary. When only six years old he could divide eight-digit numbers in his head.
He received his early education in Budapest, under the tutelage of M. Fekete, with
whom he published his first paper at the age of 18. Entering the University of
Budapest in 1921, he studied Chemistry, moving his base of studies to both Berlin
and Zurich before receiving his diploma in 1925 in Chemical Engineering. He
returned to his first love of mathematics in completing his doctoral degree in
1928. he quickly gained a reputation in set theory, algebra, and quantum
mechanics. At a time of political unrest in central Europe, he was invited to visit
Princeton University in 1930, and when the Institute for Advanced Studies was
founded there in 1933, he was appointed to be one of the original six Professors
of Mathematics, a position which he retained for the remainder of his life. At the
instigation and sponsorship of Oskar Morganstern, von Neumann and Kurt Gödel
became US citizens in time for their clearance for wartime work. There is an
anecdote which tells of Morganstern driving them to their immigration interview,
after having learned about the US Constitution and the history of the country. On
the drive there Morganstern asked them if they had any questions which he could
answer. Gödel replied that he had no questions but he had found some logical
inconsistencies in the Constitution that he wanted to ask the Immigration officers
about. Morganstern strongly recommended that he not ask questions, just answer

During 1936 through 1938 Alan Turing was a graduate student in the Department
of Mathematics at Princeton and did his dissertation under Alonzo Church. Von
Neumann invited Turing to stay on at the Institute as his assistant but he preferred
to return to Cambridge; a year later Turing was involved in war work at Bletchley
Park. This visit occurred shortly after Turing's publication of his 1934 paper "On
Computable Numbers with an Application to the Entscheidungs-problem" which
involved the concepts of logical design and the universal machine. It must be
concluded that von Neumann knew of Turing's ideas, though whether he applied
them to the design of the IAS Machine ten years later is questionable. [5]

Von Neumann's interest in computers differed from that of his peers by his quickly
perceiving the application of computers to applied mathematics for specific
problems, rather than their mere application to the development of tables. During
the war, von Neumann's expertise in hydrodynamics, ballistics, meteorology,
game theory, and statistics, was put to good use in several projects. This work led
him to consider the use of mechanical devices for computation, and although the
stories about von Neumann imply that his first computer encounter was with the
ENIAC, in fact it was with Howard Aiken's Harvard Mark I (ASCC) calculator.
His correspondence in 1944 shows his interest with the work of not only Aiken
but also the electromechanical relay computers of George Stibitz, and the work by
Jan Schilt at the Watson Scientific Computing Laboratory at Columbia University.
By the latter years of World War II von Neumann was playing the part of an
executive management consultant, serving on several national committees,
applying his amazing ability to rapidly see through problems to their solutions.
Through this means he was also a conduit between groups of scientists who were
otherwise shielded from each other by the requirements of secrecy. He brought
together the needs of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (and the Manhattan
Project) with the capabilities of firstly the engineers at the Moore School of
Electrical Engineering who were building the ENIAC, and later his own work on
building the IAS machine. Several "supercomputers" were built by National
Laboratories as copies of his machine.

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